1. Food & Agriculture
  • Nutrition Labeling:

Nutritional Labeling Precision at KIIT TBI, ATF: Nutritional labeling at KIIT TBI, ATF stands as a beacon of accuracy, ensuring precise disclosure of crucial details encompassing ingredient presence or absence, net weight or volume, calorific value, preservatives or artificial coloring agents, usage methodology, storage guidelines, shelf life including expiry or best before dates, appropriate package disposal methods, as well as cautionary notes and exceptions such as allergens, medical advice, health, and nutritional claims, and risk reduction assertions. These meticulously outlined specifications also align with legal mandates, encompassing regulatory stipulations in both the manufacturing and consumption jurisdictions.

Cultural Specificity in Labeling at KIIT TBI, ATF: In India, the labeling of packaged food products undergoes a distinctive delineation, where the mandatory display of green and brown symbols discerns between vegetarian and non-vegetarian contents respectively. This regulatory mandate finds its roots in the FSS (Packaging and Labeling) Act of 2006, further expounded upon in the FSS (Packaging and Labeling) Regulation, 2011. By adhering to these specifications, KIIT TBI, ATF ensures compliance through comprehensive nutritional label testing, guaranteeing the accuracy and validation of proclaimed label claims by precisely analyzing requisite proximate and nutritional parameters.


Ash • Fat • Crude Fiber • Moisture • Protein • Carbohydrate • Energy • Sugar • Salt • Dietary Fiber • Fatty Acid Profile • Cholestrol • Vitamins • Minerals • Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, K, Choline) • Amino Acid • Organic Acid • Fatty Acid (SFA, MUFA, PUFA & TFA, Omega 3 Fatty Acid, Omega 6 Fatty Acid, Omega 9 Fatty Acid, DHA Fatty Acid) • Nucleotides • L-Carnitine • Taurine • Inositol

  • Vitamin Profiling:

Vitamins, being organic, biologically active compounds, serve as vital protectors against cellular damage caused by free radicals while aiding in the transformation of food proteins, carbohydrates, and fats into energy, thus sustaining human health and optimal functioning. Recognizing the importance of maintaining balanced nutrient intake, physicians often prescribe vitamin-containing nutritional supplements to address any dietary deficiencies. Consequently, these supplements, alongside their counterparts such as food or feed additives, therapeutic agents, and health aids, are extensively marketed as Nutritional Premixes, Supplements, and Nutraceuticals, with each brand vying for superiority. At KIIT TBI ATF, we offer “Analytical Excellence” Profiling Services for both fat- and water-soluble vitamins, including their sub-types. Leveraging robust processes, we guarantee precise and accurate test results to clients across domestic and international markets, ensuring reliability and superiority in every analysis



Fat Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin – A (Retinol Acetate, Retinol Palmitate)
Vitamin – D (Ergocalciferol, Cholecalciferol)
Vitamin – E (α-Tocopherols, β- Tocopherols, γ-Tocopherols, δ-Tocopherols, α –Tocotrienols, β-Tocotrienols, γ-Tocotrienols, δ-Tocotrienols)
Vitamin – K (Phylloquinone, Menaquinones)

Water Soluble Vitamins

Vitamin – B1 (Thiamine) • Vitamin – B2 (Riboflavin) • Vitamin – B3 (Niacin) • Vitamin – B4 (Carnitine) • Vitamin – B5 (Pantothenic Acid) • Vitamin – B6 (Pyridixine) • Vitamin – B7 (Biotin) • Vitamin B9 (Folate) • Vitamin – B12 (Cyanocobalamin, Methylcobalamin) • Vitamin – C (Ascorbic Acid)


  • Amino Acid Profiling:

“In 1806, the discovery of amino acids, organic compounds, revolutionized our understanding of life’s fundamental building blocks. Amino acids, the molecular precursors to proteins, are indispensable for sustaining life processes. Classified into three groups—Essential, Nonessential, and Conditional—amino acids play diverse roles in human physiology.

Of the 20 amino acids crucial for human function, 9 are deemed ‘Essential,’ as the body cannot synthesize them independently. These amino acids, including Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, and others, are sourced from animal proteins found in meat, eggs, and poultry. However, plant-based sources such as quinoa, buckwheat, edamame, and tofu offer a complete array of essential amino acids, making them valuable ‘Complete Sources of Protein.’

The ‘Nonessential’ group comprises amino acids that the human body can produce internally, such as Alanine, Asparagine, and Glutamic Acid. Conversely, the ‘Conditional’ group, encompassing amino acids like Arginine and Glutamine, are required primarily during periods of illness or stress.

At KIIT TBI ATF laboratory, our expertise extends to comprehensive amino acid analysis across a spectrum of food, feed, and agricultural commodities. Through our Amino Acid Profiling Package, we ensure meticulous scrutiny and precise insights into the amino acid composition, facilitating informed decisions in nutritional and agricultural realms.”


Essential Amino Acids

  • L-histidine • L-isoleucine • L-leucine• L-lysine • L-methionine• L-phenylalanine• L-threonine• L-tryptophan• L-valine

Non-Essential Amino Acids

  • L-alanine • L-arginine • L-asparagine • L-aspartic acid • L-cysteine • L-glutamic acid • L-glutamine • L-glycine • L-proline • L-serine • L-tyrosine • Taurine • L-cystine
  • Fatty Acid Profiling:

“Fatty acids, crucial components of dietary fats, are classified into Monounsaturated (MUFA), Polyunsaturated (PUFA), Saturated Fatty Acids (SFA), and Trans Fatty Acids (TFA), each with distinct biochemical properties and health implications.

MUFA group encompasses Palmitoleic, Oleic, Gadoleic, Erucic, and Nervonic Acids, while the PUFA group includes Linoleic, Linolenic, and Arachidonic Acids. Meanwhile, the SFAs comprise Lauric, Myristic, Palmitic, Stearic, Behenic, and Lignoceric Fatty Acids. Notably, Linoleic Acid (LA) and Linolenic Acid, known as Omega-6 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids respectively, are deemed ‘Essential’ for human health.

While the body can synthesize SFAs, PUFA must be obtained from dietary sources such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Regulatory bodies like India’s FSSAI have imposed limits on TFA content in edible oils and fats to safeguard public health, setting a cap of 2% in 2022. Conversely, the USFDA has enforced a ban on artificial TFA since 2018, while EU member nations adhere to their own regulatory standards.”


Saturated Fatty Acids:
• Butyric Acid ( C4:0) • Caproic Acid ( C6:0) • Caprylic Acid ( C8:0) • Capric Acid (C10:0) • Undecanoic Acid (C11:0) • Lauric Acid (C12:0) • Tridecanoic Acid (C13:0) • Myristic Acid (C14:0) • Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:0) • Palmitic Acid (C16:0) • Heptadecanoic Acid (C17:0) • Stearic Acid (C18:0) • Arachidic Acid (C20:0) • Henicosanoic Acid (C21:0) • Behanic Acid (C22:0) • Tricosanoic Acid (C23:0) • Lignoceric Acid (C 24:0)

Mono-Unsaturated Fatty Acids:
• Myristoleic Acid (C14:1) • Cis-10-Pentadecanoic Acid (C15:1) • Palmitoleic Acid ( C16:1 ) • Cis-10-Heptadecanoic Acid ( C17:1 ) • Elaidic Acid (C18:1, Trans), Oleic Acid (C18:1) • Eicosenoic Acid (C20:1) • Erucic Acid ( C22:1) • Nervonic Acid (C24:1)

Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids:

  • Linolelaidic Acid ( C18:2, Trans) • Linoleic Acid (C18:2, W6) • Y- Linolenic Acid ( C18:3) • Linolenic Acid (C18:3, W-3) • Cis -11-14- Eicosadienoic Acid (C20:2) • Cis-8,11,14-Eicosatrienoic Acid (C20:3n6) • Cis-11,14,17 – Eicosatrienoic Acid (C20:3n3) • Arachidonic Acid (C20:4n6) • Cis -13,16- Docosadienoic Acid (C22:2) • Eicosapentaenoic Acid (C20:5n3) • Nervonic Acid (C24:1) • Cis- 4,7,10,13,16,19 – Docosahexaenoic Acid (C22:6) Trans Fatty Acid: Elaidic Acid (C18:1) • Linolelaidic Acid ( C18:2)

Omega – 3

  • Fatty Acid: Linolenic Acid ( C18:3) • Eicosapentaenoic Acid (C20:5n3)

Omega – 6
• Fatty Acid: Linolelaidic Acid ( C18:2, Trans) • Linoleic Acid (C18:2) • Y- Linolenic Acid ( C18:3) • Arachidonic Acid (C20:4n6)

Omega – 9
• Fatty Acid: Elaidic Acid (C18:1, Trans) • Oleic Acid (C18:1) • Erucic Acid (C22:1)

“Artificial sweeteners have become a game-changer in the food industry, offering a guilt-free alternative to sugar with zero calorie content. Derived from plants, herbs, or even sugar itself, these additives provide a satisfying sweetness without the caloric burden. Saccharin, the trailblazer discovered in 1879, opened the doors for subsequent sweeteners like Cyclamate, which, while embraced in Canada and Europe, faced bans in the USA and South Korea.

  • Artificial Sweeteners

In the 1960s, Aspartame and Acesulfame-K emerged as FDA-approved low-calorie sweeteners, marking a new era in food innovation. Today, the USFDA has given the green light to eight types of low-calorie sweeteners, including Neotame, Stevia, and Sucralose, which have found widespread application in beverages, frozen treats, confections, and even medicinal formulations. These potent sweeteners, boasting sweetness levels up to 20,000 times that of sugar, cater to diverse needs, from weight management and diabetes control to promoting dental health and enhancing taste experiences.

Despite their advantages in calorie reduction and cavity prevention, concerns linger regarding the stability of low-calorie sweeteners under high-temperature baking and their potential to displace essential nutrients. Acknowledging their significance, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has greenlit six artificial sweeteners for use in food products, including Saccharin, Aspartame, and Acesulfame-K.

At KIIT TBI ATF laboratory, we specialize in conducting thorough analyses of artificial sweeteners across an extensive array of food and agricultural commodities. Our focus on safety and regulatory compliance ensures that products meet stringent quality standards, providing peace of mind to consumers and producers alike.”


  • Acesulfame Potassium (Ace-K) • Aspartame • Saccharin • Sucralose • Neotame & Advantame • Identification • Specific Rotation • Loss on Drying • Residue on Lgnition • Heavy Metals • Acidity or Alkalinity • Limit of Fluoride • Water Content • NOTS • Insecticide • Fungicide • Carotene • Glycerol Content • Inorganic Lodide • Aromatic Amines • Hydrocarbons • Nitro Compounds • Particle Size • Purity • Reducing Sugars • Residual Solvent • Aflatoxins • Total Sulfur • Melamine
  • Top of Form
  • Food Colours

“Natural and artificial food coloring additives, available in liquid, powder, gel, or paste form, serve as dyes, pigments, or substances that enhance the color of food and beverages. Widely utilized in both commercial food production and domestic cooking, these additives play a crucial role in enriching natural hues, improving visual appeal, and offsetting color loss due to various factors such as light exposure, temperature fluctuations, and storage conditions. Beyond culinary applications, they find use in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, home crafts, and medical devices.

In the United States, seven synthetic food dyes and thirty-six natural and synthetic food dyes approved by the European Union are allocated specific FD&C and E numbers respectively. In India, product labels must declare the use of color additives along with their common or class names. The seven synthetic colors permitted in India include Ponceau 4R, Carnosine, and Erythrosine (red), Tartrazine and Sunset Yellow (yellow), Indigo Carmine and Brilliant Blue (blue), and Fast Green FCF (green).

At KIIT TBI ATF laboratory, we specialize in testing various artificial/synthetic and natural food colors, ensuring adherence to safety and regulatory standards. Our comprehensive analysis guarantees the quality and safety of food products, providing consumers and producers with confidence in their choices.”


  • Total Dye Content • Volatile Matter (Chloride & Sulphate) • Solubility In Water • Combined Ether Extract • Water Insoluble • Light Stability •P Heat Stability • Alkali Stability • Subsidiary Dyes • Dyes Intermediate • Heavy Metal • Particle Size • Bulk Density • pH Value • Heavy Metal • NOTS



  • Chlorophyll (Green) • Caramel (Brown) Curcumin or Turmeric (Yellow) • Beta-apo 8′- carotenal • Ethyl Ester of Beta-apo 8′ Carotenol (Orange-Red) • Canthaxanthin • Beta-carotene (Reddish-Orange) • Methyl Ester of Beta-apo 8′ Carotenoic Acid (Amaranth) • Saffron (Saffron) • Annatto (Red) • Tonka Bean (Chocolate) • Coumarin • Estragole (Colourless) • Dihydrocoumarin (white/Pale Yellow)


  • Ponceau 4R • Carmoisine • Allura Red • Erythrosine (Red) • Tartrazine and Sunset Yellow FCF • Auramine O • Yellow G, (Yellow) • Indigo Carmine and Brilliant Blue FCF (Blue) • Fast Green FCF (Green) • Rhodamine B (Reddish-Violet)
  • Pesticide Residue

“Chemical pesticides have become ubiquitous in our food supply due to their widespread use in farming practices. With over 1000 pesticides in current use worldwide, concerns arise regarding their potential health effects. While none of the pesticides authorized for use on food internationally are genotoxic, excessive exposure can lead to acute poisoning, carcinogenicity, or adverse effects on various bodily systems over time.

To ensure food safety, Codex Alimentarius has established Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) as reference standards for each food pesticide and its metabolites. Countries adhere to these international standards or develop their own to protect consumers. In India, the Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee (CIBRC) and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) regulate pesticide use, with over 50 pesticides banned and 9 restricted for use.

The food processing sector relies on testing service providers to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. Pesticide analysis is crucial, aiming to detect, quantify, and identify multiple pesticides in various food samples, including beverages, animal feeds, agricultural crops, and tobacco products.

At KIIT TBI ATF’s ISO-17025 laboratory, we specialize in multi-residue screening of fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides, along with their metabolites and mixtures. Our state-of-the-art LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS equipment enables us to analyze chemical groups such as organophosphorus, organochlorines, pyrethroids, and carbamates. We adhere to EU regulations and other specific documents to ensure accurate and reliable pesticide residue analysis, prioritizing food safety and consumer well-being.”

  • Minerals & Heavy Metals

Naturally occurring toxic minerals and heavy metals pose a significant concern due to their presence in various environmental matrices, exacerbated by human activities such as mining, smelting, and industrial emissions. These metals, including arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead, not only contaminate food but also accumulate in tissues over time, leading to severe health implications.

Arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead, in particular, are of utmost concern for public health due to their highly toxic nature. Dysfunctional metals disrupt cellular functions and cause organ damage, posing serious risks to human health. International standards such as CXS-193 1995, established by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, govern the permissible levels of metal contaminants in food and feed products.

Regulatory bodies such as the WHO, USFDA, EC-EFSA, and FSSAI enforce regulations to monitor and control heavy metal contamination in consumer products and feed. Maximum permitted levels of metal contaminants are outlined in the Food Safety and Standards (Contaminants, toxins, and Residues) Regulations, 2011, necessitating regular, high-sensitivity testing at various points along the food supply chain.

Advanced instrumentation such as AAS, ICP-OES, and ICP-MS enable the identification and quantification of heavy metals in food and pharmaceutical matrices, even at extremely low concentrations. Additionally, analyzing essential minerals in human food and animal feed aids in determining daily consumption requirements and supplement additions to ensure nutritional balance.

At KIIT TBI ATF, we specialize in heavy metal and mineral analysis across a wide range of food and pharmaceutical matrices, prioritizing food safety and regulatory compliance to safeguard public health and well-being.Top of Form

  • Identification • Heavy Metals & Minerals Testing • Elemental Assay • Elemental Impurities • Dissolution Assay • Qualitative Test


  • Hydrogen • Nitrogen

Heavy Metals

  • Aluminium • Antimony • Arsenic • Barium• Beryllium •Boron • Cadmium •Calcium • Cobalt •Copper •Chromium • Iron • Gold • Magnesium• Manganese • Mercury •Molybdenum • Nickel • Niobium • Palladium • Platinum • Rhodium • Ruthenium •   Selenium• Silver •Tellurium • Thallium • Tin •Titanium • Uranium • Yttrium • Zinc • Zirconium•


  • Iodine • Phosphorous • Potassium • Scandium • Sodium • Sulfur
  • Allergen Screening:

The human immune system (HIS) serves as a formidable defense mechanism, protecting the body from harmful pathogens and foreign substances that enter through various routes such as inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion. While these organisms and substances are innocuous to most individuals, they trigger allergic reactions, termed “allergens,” in susceptible individuals. Allergies, coined in 1906, manifest as sinus congestion, skin inflammation, respiratory issues, gastrointestinal discomfort, or even life-threatening anaphylaxis.

Food proteins are a significant trigger for allergies, affecting approximately 6% of adults and 8% of children globally. Eight food types—eggs, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, wheat, soybeans, and sesame—account for about 90% of all food allergies. Regulatory bodies such as Codex Alimentarius and the European Union mandate the labeling of major food allergens, with the EU specifying 14 food items, types, and chemical compounds, and the US identifying eight major allergens with sesame slated for inclusion from January 1, 2023.

Indian food safety standards also list eight human allergens under the Food Safety Standards (FSS) Act, 2006, requiring food business operators (FBOs) to prevent unintended allergen presence and provide detailed labeling of potential allergens and cross-contamination risks. Similar regulations apply to pet food, ensuring it remains free of harmful substances, including allergens.

Compliance with regulatory standards necessitates certification by independent and accredited food testing organizations. Common allergen screening methods for food testing include ELISA, mass spectrometry (MS), and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), ensuring the safety and integrity of food products for consumers.

  • Mycotoxin and Endotoxin:

Mycotoxins, toxic secondary metabolites produced by filamentous fungi like Aspergillus, Fusarium, and Penicillium, pose a significant threat to human and animal health. These small organic molecules, including Aflatoxin B1, Fumonisins, and Patulin, can cause DNA damage and interfere with fetal development, leading to acute and chronic toxicity symptoms such as skin irritation, weakened immune response, and neurological damage.

Aflatoxin-producing fungi contaminate crops during cultivation, harvest, or storage, posing risks to human and animal health upon ingestion. Cereals, tree nuts, cottonseed, and groundnuts are particularly vulnerable to contamination. While unrefined vegetable oils may initially contain aflatoxins, refining processes render them harmless. Aflatoxin B1, the most toxic among the known aflatoxins, poses significant carcinogenic risks.

Regulatory bodies worldwide, including Codex Alimentarius, the European Union, and the USFDA, set limits on mycotoxin levels in food products to ensure consumer safety. These limits vary depending on the type of mycotoxin and food category. Food business operators are required to conduct testing at various stages of food processing to mitigate contamination risks.

Laboratory methods for mycotoxin analysis include high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), providing accurate quantitative results. Additionally, semi-quantitative and qualitative methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and fluorescence spectrometry offer rapid screening options.

Enterotoxins produced by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, and Clostridium botulinum pose additional food safety concerns, causing food intoxication and gastrointestinal illnesses. Rapid detection methods such as ELISA-based assays and enzyme-linked fluorescence assays (EFLA) play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of food products.

At KIIT TBI ATF, our comprehensive portfolio of mycotoxin and enterotoxin testing services encompasses screening and quantification across various food and feed matrices. By conducting rigorous testing during manufacturing and pre-market stages, we ensure compliance with regulatory standards and prioritize consumer safety.


  • Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2)
  • Aflatoxins M1
  • DON (Vomitoxin)
  • Fumonisins
  • ZON (Zearalenone)
  • Ochratoxin
  • T2/HT2
  • Toxin
  • Patulin
  • Ergot Alkaloids & other Mycotoxins
  • GMO

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) represent a pivotal advancement in biotechnology, characterized by the alteration of genetic material to introduce beneficial traits or mitigate deficiencies. This scientific endeavor commenced with the genetic modification of bacteria in 1973, culminating in the creation of human insulin-producing bacteria in 1982, marking the inception of consumer GMO products approved by regulatory authorities like the FDA. Notably, the approval of the GM tomato in 1994 marked a significant milestone as the first plant GMO.

Products manufactured with or containing GMO ingredients are termed genetically modified (GM) foods and feeds. Pest and herbicide-resistant GM crops are cultivated or imported in over 70 countries worldwide, although unintentional introduction into non-GM food and feed production remains a concern. The debate surrounding GMOs underscores the need for comprehensive safety studies to ascertain their suitability for consumption.

In the United States, regulatory oversight of GM crops falls under the purview of three agencies: the USEPA, USFDA-DHHS, and USDA-APHIS. Each agency administers regulations governing various aspects of GMO cultivation, including bio-pesticides, under relevant federal acts such as FIFRA and FFDCA. Pre-market approval by the FDA is mandatory for non-GRAS GM crops, ensuring compliance with safety standards.

Similarly, the EU provisions aim to facilitate informed consumer choices by enforcing authorization procedures, supervision, and clear labeling of GMOs in the market. In India, GMO-related activities are governed by regulations outlined in the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, through the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF).

Detection of GMOs relies on robust methods such as DNA-based and protein-based techniques, with DNA analysis enabling genome identification of genetic modifications and protein-based assays like ELISA facilitating GMO detection.

At KIIT TBI ATF, we are committed to upholding regulatory requirements by offering comprehensive identification and quantitation of GMOs across various food matrices. Through DNA and protein-based testing methodologies, we ensure adherence to safety standards and consumer confidence in GMO-related products.


  • Amino acids • Fatty acid composition • Vitamins • Minerals • Metals • Secondary metabolites • Phytosterols • Carotenoids
  1. Environment


  • Air Monitoring


  1. Ambient

Ambient air, the open atmosphere where humans and various organisms coexist, serves as a vital resource for sustenance and well-being. However, human activities and industrial processes significantly influence its composition and quality. The assessment of ambient air quality plays a crucial role in safeguarding public health and preserving ecosystem integrity. Through systematic and long-term monitoring efforts, pollutant levels are assessed based on the quantity and types of contaminants present in the outdoor air, a process known as ambient air monitoring.

Ambient air monitoring serves multiple purposes, including the evaluation of pollution levels, ensuring compliance with national regulations, exploring strategies for pollution control, and providing data for air quality modeling. The strategic placement of monitoring stations depends on the objectives of the monitoring program, often focusing on populated areas where human health concerns are paramount.

Central to ambient air monitoring is the measurement of various pollutants to gather comprehensive data for informed decision-making and effective pollution control measures. As such, regular monitoring of ambient air quality is essential to track changes over time and implement targeted interventions. At KIIT TBI ATF, we adhere to the rigorous standards set by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), analyzing all 12 mandatory parameters to ensure the integrity and safety of our ambient air resources.


  • Top of Form
  • PM10 • PM 2.5 • Oxides of Sulphur • Oxides of Nitrogen • Ozone • Ammonia • Volatile Organic Compounds • Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons • Heavy Metals (Ni, As, Pb, etc.) • Carbon Monoxide • Fluoride • Hydrogen Sulfide • Formaldehyde • Carbon Dioxide • Oxygen • Hydrocarbon


  1. Indoor Air Monitoring

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring stands as a crucial endeavor within the framework of KIIT TBI ATF, ensuring the optimal condition of indoor environments for the health and productivity of occupants.

Challenges within indoor spaces, including substandard ventilation systems and contaminants from construction materials or furnishings, underscore the importance of vigilant monitoring. With an increase in occupancy and evolving environmental conditions, the need for meticulous assessment of indoor air quality becomes paramount.

The threats posed by indoor air pollutants, ranging from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to toxic gases and biological pathogens, necessitate precise and consistent monitoring protocols. KIIT TBI ATF employs cutting-edge instruments and adheres to rigorous scientific methodologies to accurately quantify pollutants present in indoor air.

By embracing a proactive approach to Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, KIIT TBI ATF ensures a safe and healthy indoor environment, conducive to the well-being and productivity of all occupants.


Wet Chemistry:
• Sulphur Dioxide • Oxide of Nitrogen • Silica • Ozone • Formaldehyde


• Temperature • Humidity • PM10 • PM2.5 •Carbon Dioxide • VOC & Semi-VOC • Total Dust Concentration • Carbon Monoxide • Metals • PAH and PCB • Noise • Illumination

  1. Work Area

Ensuring the safety and well-being of workers in work zone areas at production sites is a top priority for KIIT TBI ATF. These areas, encompassing construction, maintenance, and utility-work activities, are marked by various signage, channeling devices, barriers, and pavement markings to delineate boundaries and enhance safety protocols.

Regular monitoring of the work environment is essential to uphold safe air quality standards within these zones. Toxic dust and fumes can pose significant health risks to workers, underscoring the importance of proactive monitoring measures.

With state-of-the-art instrumentation and a dedicated team of engineers, KIIT TBI ATF is committed to conducting comprehensive assessments of work zone air quality. Our expertise enables us to accurately sample and quantify toxicity levels, providing clients with invaluable insights to maintain a safe and healthy work environment. Through precise analysis and actionable recommendations, we empower clients to prioritize worker safety and ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

Parameters Covered

Wet chemistry:
• Sulphur Dioxide • Oxides of Nitrogen • Formaldehyde

Instrument (GC):
• Temperature • Humidity • Carbon Monoxide • Carbon Dioxide  • VOC & Semi-VOC • Total Dust • Metals • PCB and PAH • PM10 • PM 2.5



  • Drinking water

Ensuring clean, safe drinking water is vital for public health, especially in the face of increasing pollution. KIIT TBI ATF (Advanced Testing Facility) is at the forefront, certified under ISO/IEC 17025 standards. Offering a comprehensive range of testing services, we prioritize accuracy and efficiency. Our advanced methodologies cover chemical and microbiological analyses, ensuring thorough detection of contaminants. Trust KIIT TBI ATF for reliable testing, safeguarding communities’ health with every drop of water.

  • Effluent Water
  • Surface Water
  • Feed Water + Boiler Water
  • Swimming pool
  • Ground Water
  • Water Testing for Storage Batteries
  • Noise Monitoring

Industrial noise, particularly at higher magnitudes, poses significant health hazards to workers and surrounding communities. Effective noise monitoring is essential for assessing and mitigating these risks, ensuring a safe and healthy working environment.

At KIIT TBI ATF, we understand the importance of industrial noise monitoring in safeguarding human health and well-being. Our comprehensive services involve the periodic analysis of sound levels in industrial areas, with a focus on identifying and addressing sources of excessive noise pollution.

Utilizing advanced instrumentation and adhering to established standards such as ISO 3740:2019(en), we provide precise measurements of noise levels, expressed in decibels (dB) with frequency weighting (dB(A) Leq). This enables regulated industries to monitor and maintain noise levels within permissible limits, promoting a conducive work environment while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Committed to excellence, KIIT TBI ATF offers industrial noise monitoring services that adhere to ISO 17025:2017 standards, providing clients with reliable data and actionable insights to enhance workplace safety and regulatory compliance.

  • Stack Emissions Monitoring

At KIIT TBI ATF, we recognize the critical importance of stack emission monitoring in ensuring environmental compliance and safeguarding public health. Stack emissions, comprising hot air, particulate matter, and gaseous exhausts, are dispersed through towering chimneys, minimizing ground-level concentrations to within permissible limits.

Our environment division offers comprehensive stack emission analytical services to industries across various sectors. Through regular monitoring and analysis, we enable industries to evaluate compliance with existing regulations, assess product loss, evaluate pollution control equipment efficiency, and calibrate continuous monitoring instruments.

Under the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981, it is mandatory for industries to monitor stack emissions at regular intervals, reflecting our commitment to environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance.

At KIIT TBI ATF, our stack monitoring team employs state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained personnel to collect stack samples and analyze them for regulated pollutants, including criteria pollutants, hazardous air pollutants, volatile organic compounds, and heavy metals. Additionally, we offer specialized sample collection services for dioxins and furans analysis, leveraging cutting-edge technology and expertise to ensure accurate and reliable results.


  • Temperature • Moisture • Barometric Pressure • Oxygen • Carbon Monoxide • Carbon Dioxide • Velocity • Flowrate • Particulate Matter • Sulphur Dioxide • Nitrogen Oxides • Acid Mist • Total Hydrocarbons • PCB and PAH • VOC & Semi-VOC • Dioxins and Furans • Metals

Instruments Available

  • Stack Sampling Kit • Dioxin-Furan Sampling Kit • Orsat Apparatus • Flue Gas Analyser • EPA NO. Apparatus • VOC Sampling Kit • Barometer • AAS-VGA/GTA • ICP-MS • HPLC • HS-GC-FID • GC-MS MS (QQQ) • • HR-GC • HR-MS • lon Chromatography • Automatic Rotavapour • Auto Soxhlet Extractor • UV Visible Spectrophotometer • Analytical Balance
  • Meteorological Testing

At KIIT TBI ATF, we understand the pivotal role that climatic and weather forecasts play in various industries and sectors. Meteorological testing involves the precise measurement of atmospheric variables such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity, surface wind, precipitation, and radiation.

Real-time meteorological data is indispensable for supporting a wide range of functions, including public aviation, marine services, agricultural operations, civil engineering, disaster management and rescue operations, and material research and development.

Our environment division, equipped with advanced analytical setups, conducts comprehensive meteorological monitoring services. Whether it’s wired or wireless communication systems, we ensure that our monitoring solutions are user-friendly and suitable for remote locations.

KIIT TBI ATF offers real-time remotely sensed meteorological monitoring services to our clients, providing accurate and timely data to support their operations and decision-making processes.



  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Barometric Pressure
  • Wind Direction
  • Wind Speed
  • Rainfall
  • Dew Point


  • Automatic Weather Station
  • Coal & Coke

At KIIT TBI ATF, we recognize the significance of coal, a fossil fuel derived from the carbonization of submerged dead plant matter in swamps and peat bogs under intense pressure and high temperature geological forces. The resulting varieties of coal, including lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, and anthracite, serve various purposes such as electrical power generation, metal manufacturing, and domestic fuel for kitchens.

Each variety of coal is uniquely suited for different applications. Steam or thermal coal, for instance, is primarily used for power generation, whereas coking or metallurgical coal finds its utility in steel manufacturing. The efficiency and cost-effectiveness of coal use depend on factors like calorific value, ash content, and moisture percentage, which determine its grade.

To ensure optimal utilization and compliance with quality standards, it is essential to accurately determine the grade of coal based on its quality parameters before sale, purchase, or use. At KIIT TBI ATF, we offer a comprehensive range of coal and coke analyses tailored to meet the requirements of producers, exporters, transporters, and end-users alike. Our precise analytical services enable informed decision-making and facilitate efficient coal utilization across various industries.

  • Cement

At KIIT TBI ATF, we understand that cement serves as the cornerstone of all construction projects, whether industrial, infrastructural, transportation-related, or residential. Cement production entails the calcinations of limestone in lime kilns, followed by blending with additives to create various types of cement.

Different types of cement, such as ordinary Portland cement, Portland pozzolana cement, White Portland cement, Sulphate-resistant cement, Portland slag cement, and High alumina cement, are tailored to meet specific regulatory standards regarding their physical and chemical properties.

To ensure compliance with quality standards and optimal performance, KIIT TBI ATF offers world-class services for cement quality analysis catering to manufacturers and end-users alike. Our environment division employs highly sophisticated modern and automated instruments operated by a team of skilled professional scientists to conduct comprehensive testing of cement quality. Additionally, we provide analytical services for raw material testing, including Limestone, Bauxite, Dolomite, Gypsum, Fly ash, Clay, and more. With our precise analytical capabilities, we help ensure the quality and integrity of cement used in diverse construction applications.


Wet Chemistry:

  • Insoluble Residue • Silicon Dioxide as SiO • Alumina as Al2O3 • Magnesia as MgO • Ferric Oxide as FeO • Calcium Oxide as CaO • Chloride as Cl • Sulphur Trioxide as SO
  • Soil

At KIIT TBI ATF, we recognize soil as a vital and finite resource that serves a multitude of essential functions, including agriculture, industrial construction, and ecological habitat development. However, this valuable resource faces significant threats due to the unchecked use of chemical fertilizers, non-scientific construction practices, unplanned urbanization, and the deposition of toxic materials through land filling.

The health of groundwater, a critical component of our ecosystem, is intricately linked to the quality of the soil. Mapping contaminated areas and analyzing topsoil or subsoil are essential steps in managing this invaluable resource effectively.

Soil testing plays a pivotal role in assessing fertility, growth potential, nutrient deficiencies, and potential toxicity, thereby enabling informed decisions on fertilizer use, irrigation strategies, and seed selection to maximize productivity and sustainability.

At KIIT TBI ATF, we offer comprehensive soil quality analysis services to detect soil impurities using state-of-the-art equipment such as UPLC and LC/MSMS. Our precise analytical capabilities help identify soil contaminants and inform strategies for sustainable soil management and environmental stewardship.


  • Petroleum

Petroleum testing plays a pivotal role in assessing the chemical composition of crude oil, a complex blend of hydrocarbons and various elemental impurities. Through comprehensive analysis, including the detection of sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen content, as well as heavy metals and sediments, refineries can refine crude oil to meet specific standards and ensure suitability for various applications.

In the refining process facilitated within refineries, crude oil undergoes fractionation, which involves separation, conversion, and purification phases. This process yields a range of fractions, including petrol, diesel, and naphtha, which are further categorized into fuel oil and lubricants based on viscosity, octane number, and distillation range. Understanding these properties is crucial for determining product suitability, storage, and transportation considerations.

Moreover, with the rising significance of sustainable energy solutions, biofuels are gaining prominence. Derived from renewable sources such as plant biomass or animal waste, biofuels offer environmental benefits and contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Testing biofuels ensures their quality and compliance with regulatory standards, supporting their effective integration into the energy landscape as alternative sources.

At KIIT TBI ATF, our specialized expertise extends to quality testing of petroleum products, including biofuels, catering to the needs of the petroleum industry and associated sectors. We deliver precise analysis aligned with regulatory requirements, empowering stakeholders with reliable data to meet environmental standards and ensure product efficacy and safety.


Wet chemistry:

  • Parameters • TAN (Total Acid Number) • Total Base Number (TBN) • Water Content • Gross Calorie Value • Sulphur • Sulphated Ash • Sediment


  • Flash Point • Fire Point • Viscosity • Pour Point • Smoke Point




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